Smoke Alert

Conceptual Design

My team and I worked with the goal of creating wildfire smoke detection, history, and forecasting devices used to alert fire safety protocols based on current AQI data and educate communities on the dangers of its contaminants and spread.

Design Feasibility & Drawings

Design Scale

By creating a household alarm, communal alarms, and implementing the education and specific features of our app, Smoke Alert’s compatibility from schoolwide, statewide, nationwide, all the way to worldwide is flawless.

Technical Specifications

Sustainability Impact & Proposal

My Work

Because of the collaboration style of my team, we chose to break off and each tackle different tasks separately and then come together in the end for larger results. My team members included Mary Marcontell, Megan Preiss, Joshua Younger, and Andrew Neel.

My role within my team consisted of

  • Collaboration on overall project concept
  • Collaboration in finding our API data set
  • Presentation Design
  • Focusing on the overall impact of our intervention
  • Creating a proposal for the DU Sustainability Center
  • Overall coordination of team members within Google Docs

Download the full presentation below for even more information about our collaborative project.

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